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Pine Ridge Group, Inc.

PRGs Customized Market Framework and Analytical Tool

Given the complexities and speed of change within today's marketplace dynamics, many companies increasingly seek a readily adoptable vehicle that can help frame, assess and communicate competitive interactions and business winning potential.

The Solution -- PRGs Competitive Positioning Model™. This customized business model has several components that bring together supply and demand factors to provide and communicate a thorough market, competitor,or bid assessment view.

This model can help you structure and build on existing in-house knowledge to create a simple and flexible yet powerful competitive weapon with several critical applications, among them:

  • Rating and evaluationg your company against competitors on defined parameters;
  • Assessing and visualizing your company's overall ability to capture business, weighted for specific bid situations or market scenarios and sensitized to reflect variations in significant business conditions, e.g. geographic locations, strategic alliances, etc.;
  • Assessing and displaying competitive strengths and weaknesses or identifying gaps, within the overall market or for specific products and services in specific regions;
  • Identifying and communicating areas of competitive opportunity and future advantage.

Sample Model Output



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