3324 Highland Lane
Fairfax, VA 22031
703-846-9922 office
703-280-2040 fax

Pine Ridge Group, Inc.

Customized Research Services

Few companies in today's fast-paced, resource-constrained world have the resources to adequately support both their intermittent and ongoing needs for the basic information that feeds their strategic and tactical decision support engine.

We all are overloaded by an ever-increasing array of secondary information, readily available on the Internet and other common sources. However, our experience has shown that the most critical, pertinent and indispensable information most often resides within the heads of an organization's employees or other group of experts, and not in web pages, print or electronic media.

Let PRG help diminish this information overload and act as your research partner to identify and provide you with the most concise facts and data necessary to support your decision requirements.

Our services focus on accessing and leveraging the expertise of knowledgeable insiders - - be they your customers, competitors, suppliers, distributors, industry experts, current and former staff or sales team. We seek to meld your current internal expertise and sources with our focused interview process to deliver the clearest possible picture of what you need to know to take an action or reduce decision uncertainty.

PRG can also help you to develop a systematic means to identify and capture the expertise resident within your company, the often overlooked but critical intellectual capital.

Contact us today to see how our research techniques can help you find the answers you seek!


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